pd: Bueno Alex, te reto... a ver si veo pronto la foto de la vuestra en tu blog y comparamos!
Bona nit!
Yes, you read properly, I promise it is TRUE, and to verify I just added some pictures we have taken today while we were having coffee in a terrace. Unbelievable eh?
Also I wanted to post some pictures from last Wednesday, it was Queen's day, for those of you that do not know about it, in summary, it' s all about wearing orange and being drunk. The other day Matt got me some complements for the celebration.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do!!!
So, as I was making a movement the other day, I was thinking about this new blog. I was thinking about how many people like the *idea* of blogging, but not the actual mundane details of sitting down on a regular basis and spewing their random thoughts out onto the blog. Then I was wondering how many people start a blog, post once (maybe twice ;), and then never touch it again? What percentage of blogs are actually *active*, and what percentage are abandoned? If you look at blogger and myspace and other blogging sites, there are a plethora of would-be bloggers. I tried to set up a blogger account once, and my preferred name (snoopdobb) was taken! Also, snoopdobbydobb was taken as well. I found this strange, because on no other website that I've ever been to has someone else used my name, yet on blogger *2* people had!Wierd, eh? Anyway, I guess this is little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to not allow this blog to fizzle before it starts, and an attempt to spew some random thoughts at the 2.3 readers we have. Enjoy!