Saturday, May 17, 2008

Have you been a little miss sunshine?..................ME TOO!!!

Did you have to wear the biggest plastic glasses ever invented???
But you didn't like them.
You just wanted to be a fashion star, like the girls in TV.
Then, you know what I'm talking about..... :D


Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Sun also shines in the Netherlands!!

Yes, you read properly, I promise it is TRUE, and to verify I just added some pictures we have taken today while we were having coffee in a terrace. Unbelievable eh?

Also I wanted to post some pictures from last Wednesday, it was Queen's day, for those of you that do not know about it, in summary, it' s all about wearing orange and being drunk. The other day Matt got me some complements for the celebration.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do!!!


How British is British?

So, those of you who know me, may also know that my father is British. Luckily he also had enough foresight to register my birth with the British Consulate in Boston 28 years ago. Prior to 1982 all children of British citizens, even those abroad, were automatically citizens of the UK as well, and my birth certificate makes it very easy to prove that. It has come in quite handy, living over here in Europe, to have a British passport in addition to my American one. It gets you into many places an American passport won't. It is even good enough to convince the Dutch government that I deserve to pay the (greatly reduced) EU tuition at my university instead of the 7x higher Overseas tuition.

So, it's good to be British, right? Well, it turns out I'm not THAT British. I've been applying for PhD programs, and one of my top choices is Imperial College in London. I began emailing with one of the professors there who had a paid studentship working on a project that was very well aligned with my interests. All was going well until he discovered that in order to receive Home tuition (and not Overseas tuition) rates in the UK, being a British citizen is not enough. You apparently also have to satisfy residency requirements going back 3 years... which I don't. :( This has been incredibly frustrating and disappointing, as I was very excited to move to London and study at one of the top-rated Universities in the world. Now, however, it seems that it will be far too expensive (14,000 Pounds/year vs 3,000 Pounds/year) for me to attend.

Seems odd that I'm British enough for the Dutch government, but not for the British government, eh? Anyway, just wanted to rant and get that out there for everyone!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Officially moved

We have a new blog!!!! I just transfered our posts here yesterday and its ready to go!!! :) I like more the new one, since the other one was a MySpace site that no matter what you do it will always look ugly, I believe that's part of the concept. Also our audience has potentially increased, from the 3 friends on MySpace to the whole Internet :D Anyway, HI everybody. Welcome to Iberoamerican@!!!

ps: I take back my comment from the first blog, apparently ( I came to know later ) Matt also likes the whole blog idea.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tortilla de patatas

Yesterday we went to a barbeque and we decided to make some tortillas to bring along. The results were pretty impressive. It is just the 3rd time we make them and see the picture.... They looked sooooo yummy and they were!!!!!

Mateico se queria comer la tortilla enseguida!
Everybody likes tortilla de patatas, it's amazing I still haven't found anybody that doesn't like them and it is also pretty simple to make!
That made me think, what is the secret of the success of this Spanish dish? And then I came up with this idea, I think everybody likes it because it looks like a Sun all yellowy and roundy, and that brings positive thoughts to people, that has to be the secret. :D
Last week we were in the Gym and the professor asked me where I was from, as soon as a said Spain he said "ohhh the Sun" and involuntarily a big smile came to his face :). The Sun is one of those wonderful things that puts a smile on all the human beings, and so I think the tortilla does also :P
