Monday, April 21, 2008

My first post!

I've been wanting to blog for years, but I'm always too lazy. First of all because I don't want a shitty blog (like this one) but one with a nice background and some customized cool stuff that I could program and modify myself. Also because I don't like the starting process, I like when the things are done, I wish I already had one, one of those with many posts that random people read in the office as soon as they turn on their computer and have their coffee.
But it is still not the case and I think it is not going to be for a while.

Another thing that pushes back the starting process is the language. I've always wanted to have it in several languages, so all of my friends could understand it, but that would be a lot of work :( And actually I like more to write in Spanish since I think I'm so much better (not that I am very good), but better than in English. But for now since I'm posting on myspace, I will do it in English, so at least my only 3 friends here can follow it :P

So, that is it for now, just a starting point for my blog!!!!!!! I hope I'm going to do this every so often and eventually I'm gonna have all those interesting posts that I have always wanted to have :) I also hope that "you" are going to enjoy reading it.
BTW, this blog is not only mine, it's also my boyfriends but something is telling me that he is not going to bother to write anything here. First of all because he thinks this is silly :P


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ciao Ciao,

I will be reading your blog with great interest! :) Don't be lazy, get blogging, its the coolest thing ever! Muchos besitos,
