Everybody likes tortilla de patatas, it's amazing I still haven't found anybody that doesn't like them and it is also pretty simple to make!
That made me think, what is the secret of the success of this Spanish dish? And then I came up with this idea, I think everybody likes it because it looks like a Sun all yellowy and roundy, and that brings positive thoughts to people, that has to be the secret. :D
Last week we were in the Gym and the professor asked me where I was from, as soon as a said Spain he said "ohhh the Sun" and involuntarily a big smile came to his face :). The Sun is one of those wonderful things that puts a smile on all the human beings, and so I think the tortilla does also :P
Ah Tortilla!! It was very tasty!!!
Let's compare our tortillas!!!
Have a look at http://elblogdesuch.blogspot.com/2008/05/nuestra-primera-tortilla-de-patatas.html
Un besico a ambos.
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